Consultation on eating habits
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    Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.)

A comprehensive health consultation should definitely address nutritional issues. In classical dietetics, the emphasis is on the use of natural foods for concomitant prevention, treatment as well as recovery from disease.

Both positive and possible adverse effects are attributed to the content of secondary plant substances, essential oils, vitamins, macro and micro elements, organic acids, fiber, proteins and carbohydrates in human food.

Therefore, my task within the framework of a holistic health consultation is first of all an analysis of the current diet and its further correction. Foods that have a negative effect on health should be avoided at all costs. In their place, a more suitable, individualized diet is put in place.

The appearance of a sufficiently large selection of organic foods today on the shelves of stores, grown according to the criteria of federal agricultural unions such as Bioland, Demeter, Naturland, greatly facilitates the transition to a healthy diet.

Consultations are held at:

Main office of Bolongarostr.101C 65929 Frankfurt am Main

To arrange a meeting please call

Phone: +491705888832
