Weight Loss
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    Losing weight is not difficult. It is more difficult to maintain a stable weight. This is faced by everyone who has ever had experience of losing weight. As a rule, after following extreme diets and working out using exhausting sports programs, those who want to lose weight make some progress, but soon notice a rapid return of unwanted extra pounds.

In my view, a comprehensive weight loss and stable weight maintenance program should include the following measures: if necessary, getting rid of the wastes and toxins, changes in the diet and lifestyle, finding a suitable sport and necessary supplementation of macro- and microelements, enzymes, plant proteins, healthy fats, and lactic acid bacteria.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies human weight as normal or overweight based on the body mass index (BMI). The index is calculated according to the formula: BMI . Normal body mass ranges from 18.5 to 25 kg/m², overweight lies in the range from 25 to 30 kg/m², and varying degrees of obesity range from 30 to 40 or more kg/m². The value of this indicator and the set goals will certainly influence the choice of foods and weight loss measures.

Changes in the diet in the absence of pathologies (for example, fructose intolerance) involve adding the required amount of “living” foods – vegetables, fruits, and berries. It should also be borne in mind that consuming large amounts of fruit with a high content of carbohydrates may negatively affect the lipid metabolism and, consequently, the weight loss process. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also enzymes. Enzymes are protein compounds involved in all biochemical processes in the human body. There are enzymes synthesized by the human body independently and enzymes that enter the human body only with “living” foods. Unfortunately, enzymes are very sensitive to high temperatures and are easily destroyed by heat. If sufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables is impossible, enzyme formulas can be effectively applied to facilitate the digestive process of the body.

The enzyme formulas contain, as a rule, Ficin (fig enzyme), Bromelain (pineapple enzyme), Papain (papaya enzyme), and fermented cereal grain multi-enzymes. The Bromelain pineapple enzyme is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-blood clotting (anticoagulant) effects. Consumption of this enzyme can be added to the diet of people with arthritis and diabetes mellitus. The action of the Ficin enzyme is similar to that of the enzyme synthesized by the human body – Pepsin produced by the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and involved in the breakdown of proteins.

A healthy and well-balanced, that is, diverse intestinal flora is not only a guarantee of a healthy intestine and an intact immune system, but is also a prerequisite for the normal weight of a person. Intestinal bacteria play a vital role in the digestion, provide the intestinal mucosa with nutrients, and constitute an indispensable part of the immune defense. I recommend that anyone who would like to get rid of overweight should include preparations with lactic acid bacteria in their weight loss program.

Soluble and insoluble ballast substances can successfully supplement preparations with lactic acid bacteria. The ballast substances, being food for lactic acid bacteria, contribute to the formation of a healthy intestinal flora. Due to the water-binding capacity of the ballast substances, gastric emptying slows down, which ultimately leads to a longer-term satiety. The formulas can contain ballast substances such as Chicory Root Inulin, Konjac Glucomannan, Acacia fibers, and ballast substances from Sand Plantain seed shells.

There are also patented complexes of biologically active substances from Guarana and highly-concentrated polyphenols produced from citrus fruits (Blood orange, Grapefruit, and Orange). They have the ability to maintain fat splitting in the most important areas: on the abdomen and thighs. These complexes are designed for cases with BMI over 30 kg/m².

The consumption of micro- and macroelements involved in the energy metabolism is also an important component of the weight loss program. These formulas usually include vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, and manganese. Copper, for example, contributes to normal metabolism of macronutrients such as proteins and carbohydrates, while choline helps maintain normal lipid metabolism.

As a rule, in the case of diets based on extreme calorie burning, people often forget about protein consumption. Combined with a hypodynamic lifestyle, this can lead to an undesirable loss of muscle mass. Thus, addition of plant proteins to the diet should be an important element in the weight loss program. It should also be added that amino acids are involved not only in the muscle synthesis, but also in the skin formation and in the functioning of the immune system. They are constituents of enzymes, hormones, and DNA. Plant proteins are derived from almonds, rice, peas, sesame, pumpkin seeds, hemp, lupine seeds, etc.

During weight loss, you can consume herbal infusions that activate the metabolism and maintain the acid-base balance. The herbal infusions for metabolism regulation are composed of Dandelion, Birch, Heather, Saint-John's-Wort, Pepper Mint, Centaurium leaves, bitter Fennel fruits, Rose Hip peel, and others.

Mixtures maintaining the acid-base balance are composed of sweet Fennel fruit, Coriander fruit, and leaves of Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Elderberry, Sage, Hyssop, Blackberry, and others.

Everything we do in life should feel good. This also applies to the choice of a sports activity, preferably taking place outdoors: in a park or in a forest. In order to avoid putting a lot of stress on the joints, especially when jogging, choose Nordic Walking, Pilates, or Yoga. The ideal of beauty and success is always formed by your inner sense of satisfaction with your own body.

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